Friday, September 30, 2011

I Am a Witherd, Hear Me Roar

Were you, like me, disappointed in the vast, flat snow biomes of 1.9?  Are you sick of these gentle, rolling hills, and just yearn for some wintery mountain goodness?  Then you're in luck!

"Fear my power, for it is great.  You need only see for yourself..."

Using all my powers as a Witherd - and they are plentiful - I have managed to splice a decent-sized mountain range into the heart of our large, boring snow biome.  Now, my skills are honed, and I take great pride in the result, however there may be the odd seam or two that looks unnatural.  But I have had a look around and everything to my eyes looks great.

What's that?  "But wait!" you cry, "There's no snow on these 'so-called' mountains!"  Ah, well, the terrain is still technically a snow biome, and therefore the first spell of weather should cover them with a fresh dusting of snow.  If for some reason I have made a terrible error and this is not the case (weather is so darn rare in single-player that I haven't yet had the opportunity to test it), then I shall be able to use my almighty Witherd powers to cover them with artificial snow, and freshen it up from time to time.

Well, I'm quite chuffed.  Can't wait to get amongst it!


  1. Update: Snow totally is a thing that happens.

  2. I can finally comment on it now that a comment exists.. odd. I'm totally claiming a snowy mountain!!!

  3. @Big Azza Yeah, don't know about that mate, you already claimed the desert.

  4. @callmemitchs

    Damnit I still can't decide! I dunno I'll work it out when we're in world. Any updates on the release date?

  5. @Big Azza

    None whatsoever. Notch and Jeb can't stop picking at it. Notch just announces Pre-Release 3 for tomorrow, so I'm guessing that'll push it back even further.

    Sorry guys, I didn't realise they'd change their whole development schedule...

    But we still had to skip 1.8 to get the new terrain, so...

  6. @callmemitchs

    Its k, waiting will just make actually getting it soooo much sweeter.

  7. @Big Azza

    I almost want it to launch in a month, I just know it's gonna break my thesis finalisation... =/
